October Harvest

Patriotism Essay

As the sirens go off, the firefighters and police officers rush into the burning apartment building, with thoughts of if they are ever going to get out. They're always thinking about someone else, but in the back of their mind there's that slight resistance to save themselves first. They frantically climb the stairs with urgency, just to make sure they're not to late. The door is smashed open, and here they find a family trapped in a corner, with a blazing fire in front of them. But it doesn’t matter, they have a job to do, and they will finish it. When they finally get the family down from the building, and away from danger, they feel a sense of accomplishment, and happiness, knowing that they just saved someone's life, while risking their own. This is an example of an American patriot, who should and will always be honored for everything that they do for this country.  But does it still matter, after all of the devastating events that have happened in the last century?
To begin with, patriotism isn't just about saving people’s lives, and being a hero in a hard situation. It's really about being true, and loyal to your country, and appreciating what you have, and what you don't have. Of course, being the hero in a scary situation is always an important role, but what people really don't realize is what these people are really giving up for you. For example, these people come to work every day, hoping that they stay alive, and come back home to their loving family. But they never refuse to come; they never stay home and put their own safety before someone else's. This shows how truly brave someone can really be. Some people are saying that patriots aren't as important as they were in events like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, but what people really don't look past, is that any small situation could turn into something as tragic as that.
The question that has been asked throughout this entire essay has been, Do Patriots still Matter Today? And my answer to this would definitely be yes. Patriots do so much for us, and I really don't think that people understand and appreciate them as much as they should. We should thank them continuously for putting our lives before theirs. Risking giving up everything just for us, not even taking a second to think about what they could lose. So from this point on, we should never not care about patriots, and what they do for us, we should be proud that they represent our country, and what we stand for.